June 2017

The Council recognises that Hainault Business Park is a Business Improvement District and the role it plays as a very large employer within Redbridge. In order to assist businesses it has been agreed to ban parking on all footways within the Business Park between the hours of 1opm and 2am.

This means that any vehicle parked on the footway between these times is liable to be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (parking ticket). The purpose of this ban is to generate a better turnover of the available parking to assist staff and visitors to the businesses.

The ban on parking on the footway overnight will start on Monday 10th July 2017 and the necessary signs showing this restriction will be placed during the week before.

Following serious concerns that have been raised, about the congestion problems that are currently being experienced on Roebuck Road, the Council are also proposing all day yellow line waiting restrictions on Roebuck Road, as shown on the following plans. The purpose of these restrictions is to maintain traffic flow through the Business Park thereby avoiding congestion and delays, as well as maintaining a good access to all business premises especially for the high volume of large vehicles that visit the Park each day.

• Single Yellow lines will operate Monday to Sunday from 8am to 6.30pm
• Parking four wheels on the footway will still be permitted where there are single yellow lines except between the hours of 10pm and 2am
• Please note that parking on the footway where there are double yellow lines IS NOT permitted.
• Vehicles will be allowed to stop on the single yellow lines to load and unload.


Map of Parking Restriction Areas

For further information please email Eamonn Cullinan : Eamonn.cullinan@redbridge.gov.uk

020 8554 5000
