If you wish to advertise a job please click here to download a form.

This service is available free of charge to Hainault Business Park companies.

Vacancies are posted here for a maximum of 6 weeks from companies on the business park.

Distribution Assistant – Thomas Lyte

February 18th, 2025|

Company Name Thomas Lyte
Address Rear of 19-21 Fowler Road Hainault Business Park, Ilford IG6 3UT
Telephone No 020 8500 3700 / 07385500813
Fax No  
Contact Lucy Bushell
email Lucy.bushell@thomaslyte.com
Job title Distribution Assistant
Type Permanent

Brief description of the job

  • Duties: Quality check medals, awards and corporate gifts, to a very high standard, against design artwork; Pack and dispatch luxury goods, precisely and according to extremely high customer standards; Receive and check deliveries into stock, distributing items to team members where necessary, locating items according to stock location in warehouse; Assist with regular stock checks by counting goods and recording stock level data, notifying relevant buyer when stock levels fall low; Drive delivery van weekly, in and around the London, carrying out required safety check.
  • Skills & Experience: High levels of concentration and a keen eye for detail; Ability to understand and carry out instructions; Good verbal communication skills; Full, clean UK driving license; Punctual and reliable; IT literate, with a basic understanding of Excel, Word and Outlook

Job Centre


Looking to Recruit new staff or apprentices?

Work Redbridge for Business offers a free quality and bespoke recruitment service that can help you fill vacancies and meet your employment and skill needs.

  • CV sifting
  • advertising vacancies
  • interview facilities
  • writing job descriptions and person specifications
  • assessment centres
  • Information and advice on recruiting apprentices

For more information, visit Work Redbridge, or contact Gary Dursley, Work Redbridge Employment and Apprenticeships Officer on 020 8708 2366.

HBP Businesses can also send job details to Gary Dursley – gary.dursley@redbridge.gov.uk to see if they can offer any help with Recruitment and finding candidates (this service is free to HBP companies).

A Guide to employing someone with Autism.
Click here to download your copy provided by SPACE (Supporting People with Autism into Continued Employment) – A Sycamore Trust UK project.
Sponored by the Glyn Hopkin Charitable Foundation C10.

New City College is working with Work Redbridge to host a virtual information session for local employers interested in finding out more about how apprenticeships can support their business.

The event will be held during National Apprenticeship Week on Tuesday 8th February 2.00-3.00pm and is designed to give employers information regarding the benefits of taking on an apprentice, funding available, apprenticeship standards and our free recruitment service for employers looking to recruit.

NCC can also support employers with Free training for staff, Sector-based Work Academy Programmes and Industry Placements and work experience for their students.

Employers can register their place on the session here

Gary Dursley

Economic Development Officer – Employment & Apprenticeships

Work Redbridge

Regeneration and Culture Directorate

11th Floor Rear

London Borough of Redbridge

Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1NY

 020 8708 2366

07908 795 920


For more information about Work Redbridge, visit http://www.redbridge.gov.uk/workredbridge

Save time, go online www.redbridge.gov.uk/workredbridge