Business Breakfast Meeting and Networking event held at Hainault Golf Club for all business owners and our sponsors, this event was supported by the London Development Agency and Hainault Business Park Ltd .
Free Weekly Recycling of all paper and cardboard for Businesses on the Business Park. This service has been set up with the help of “Ground Work” and the BID Board and we believe we are one of the first Business Parks in the UK to provide this service to the businesses.
Cromwell Centre Landscaping project completed.
5 New Signs Installed by our sponsors Windsor Signs.
New signage at the entrance to the Burnside Estate.
New signage on the Cromwell Centre on both entrances.
New signage on two estates in Roebuck Rd.
2 Landscaping projects completed in Fowler Rd.
In Roebuck Rd we had some tree’s cut back and area cleared of rubbish etc, now awaiting new signage to be installed.
Windsor Signs & Graphics Ltd have agreed to become the Business Parks latest sponsor
New “Employees page” added to website – with Competitions, Prizes, Weather, Sport and News etc.
Glynny LLP become a new sponsor
New “Secured by Design” green metal fencing has been fitted to the front two areas of the Acorn Centre, Roebuck Road.
The Electric Sub Station in Fowler Road has been fitted with new green metal fencing and gates, we would like to thank the ownereedom Maintenance for their support in improving this area within the Hainault Business Park.
Our Business Park sponsors the Nat West Bank, hold second “Breakfast Meeting” at Hainault Golf Club.
Broadband Service improved in Fowler Road, through working with BT.
Electricity Sub Station Fowler Road – the owners agree to fence off their land to help stop Fly Tipping and make the area more secure.
Groundwork East London – Mr Neil Davies Community Project Officer will be working 2 days a week with the owners on the Business Park until 2009, on Environmental performance, audits and also improving aesthetics of the area, survey sent out.
Working in Partnership with “Garden of Peace” Muslim Cemetery Trust, Chaplins Ltd and the BID Company, the boundary fence at the end of the Acorn Centre has been replaced and finish off with some planting. This helped reduce unlawful access to the area.
Additional “Keep Clear ” road markings on entrances to businesses in Roebuck Rd