You and your staff are warmly invited by Hainault Business Park Ltd to attend the next Project Griffin Counter Terrorism Briefing
Date: Thursday 15th February 2018
Venue: RB Services, Acorn Centre, 29 Roebuck Rd Hainault IG6 3TU
Time: (08.45am – 1100am)
Please feel free to pass this invitation to any of your business contacts within HBP.
Project Griffin Counter Terrorism Awareness briefings are an opportunity to share information and to establish
relationships and networks between the police, businesses and the community. The presentations are delivered by local
specialist Counter Terrorism officers and are designed to give you increased confidence to report suspicious activity and
Attendance is via email application only but sessions are free to attend. They are an opportunity to meet local Counter
Terrorism police, learn more about how you can help keep London safe and target harden your business / organisation to
make London a hostile environment for terrorist to operate.
All attendees receive a certificate of attendance. Each Griffin event last approximately 1.5 hours and delegates registered
to attend will be asked to arrive from 8.45 sharp in order to sign in.
The briefing will end no later than 1100 hours with a short comfort break.
If you wish to secure your place on this session, please email with the following details:
Name Company/Organisation Position Held Tel / Email
Myself and the team look forward to meeting you.
Paul Tickner P.C. 5055 S.O.
CT Protect – Borough Support Officer 5 area
Protective Security Operations
+Ilford Police Station
270-294 High Road, Ilford
(0208 345 2600 / 2601 (07909998751 :