There are three events that we are running in for the month of September in East London via zoom that are all free of charge. Our events that we are running for the month of September is as follows:-
Friday 10th September 2021 @ 10.00am – ‘Do You Really Want To Grow Your Business? – Customers can register using the link below:-
Tuesday 14th September 2021 @ 10.00am – ‘Buying Customers’ – Customers can register using the link below:-
Tuesday 28th September 2021 @ 10.00am – ‘How To Systemise Your Business – So It Can Work Without You’ – Customers can register using the link below:-
If you need me to pick up with anyone around the events please let me know and I will be happy to run though it with them.
Could you also add us to the chamber of commerce events and I will be happy to attend. NatWest are running a huge proposition called business builder that I have introduced to you in the past and I am happy to partner with you on events and run that material if it’s of interest to you.
Kind regards
Daniel Copsey
Local Enterprise Manager
East London
NatWest Business Banking
Mobile: 07917642440 – Email: – Twitter @daniel_copsey
Business Line: 03457 114477