If you are a business owner trading over 6 months in Redbridge, you can benefit from FREE expert digital advice and business support under the E-business Programme (a scheme supported by Redbridge Council and Local London). Once registered, experienced Advisers and Digital Experts will help you enhance your online marketing and make better use of digital tools and technology to grow your business successfully. Don’t miss the opportunity to:
- Boost your digital impact
- Enhance your website and search engine ranking
- Make your online marketing social media more effective
- Use ecommerce / online payments
- Develop your customer relationship management systems
- Find safer security and back-up systems
In addition to dedicated 121 advice and support, throughout the Programme both you and your employees can learn more by attending digital webinars and tutorials as well as connect with other like-minded owners at regular networking events.
For more details and to register for the E-business Programme click here.
We are also putting on an event on 6th October in Ilford – Boost Your Digital Impact – which may be of interest to your businesses – see below.
Event details and booking at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/boost-your-digital-impact-workshop-networking-event-ilford-spark-lab-tickets-403926714677