We all will be affected by the rule changes that surround Brexit, whether you buy, sell or trade with europe or just enjoy foreign holidays.
Below are some up-to-date articles released by the government that we feel might be of interest to those companies on the HBP and we will try and keep these as up to date as possible, but if you wish to receive the very lastest information on the Brexit rule changes that may affect you and your business, click here….
Daily update from GOV.UK for Brexit
How to import and export goods between Great Britain and the EU Page summary: Information for traders on importing and exporting goods between Great Britain and the EU. Change made: ‘How to import goods [...]
Brexit: The Transition Period and Rule changes pt2
Transition Claiming preferential rates of duty between the UK and EU Page summary: How to claim preferential rates of duty on goods covered in the UK’s deal with the EU and how to declare goods [...]
Brexit: The Transition Period and Rule changes
Transition Community, Common Transit and TIR: newsletters Page summary: Newsletters from HMRC containing updates and guidance on Community, Common Transit and Transport International Routiers (TIR). Change made: Community, Common Transit and TIR edited to include [...]
Brexit: check how the new rules affect you | The Border Operating Model
Policy paper The Border Operating Model A guide to how the border with the European Union will work after the transition period. Doing business with Europe has changed. The UK has left the Single Market [...]